A decent Serious Sam/Rogue Legacy/Dark Souls mashup

User Rating: 7 | Immortal Redneck PC

The Good: Looks great, gameplay is smooth and fun, upgrade systems are fun to unlock

The Bad: Standard fare shooting wise, gets repetitive quickly, extremely hard, average all around

Immortal Redneck is, unfortunately, not going to get the attention it deserves. It's neither a fantastic game nor a bad game, nor is it original in any sense, but it does combine elements from several other games into one package and does it fairly well.

You play as, what else, an immortal redneck mummy with a wooden pistol, shotgun, and dynamite. At least those are your starter weapons. The game is set in Egypt and the idea is to defeat all the enemies on each "floor" to make it to the top of a pyramid. The game is a mix between Serious Sam, Rogue Legacy, and Dark Souls. Like Serious Sam, the game is set in Egypt and features fast-paced first-person shooting action with strange monsters. The game almost looks like Serious Sam as well. Like Rogue Legacy, when you die, you actually get stronger by using the gold you collected to unlock various upgrades and buy new weapons.

Like Dark Souls, the game is extremely hard, gets repetitive, and isn't for people wanting a linear FPS experience. Your first hour you will spend just dying a lot and obtaining upgrades until you can unlock the weapons shop and that's where things pick up. However, the constant repetition of going floor to floor, despite it being randomly generated, can be annoying and get boring after awhile. Redneck doesn't have much going for it style-wise that other games haven't tried. It looks good, on a technical base, and the shooting feels just fine.

The issue would be just the difficulty alone and the grinding to achieve better weapons and upgrades until you can beat the pyramid. It's nothing amazing, but it's also fun enough to make you stick around to the end, but only if you like any of the above-aforementioned games. The game is just average all around honestly, but still worth a weekend purchase. On a second note, it's nice that the game supports modern systems such as 4K and Ultra Widescreen monitors.