Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Colourful, Gory, Pulpy, and Quick.

User Rating: 9 | Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number PC
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This game is a top-down, shoot 'em up... VHS style.

You make your way through levels by killing everything and everyone. Each level feels like a real-time puzzle. Analyze, Plan, Execute, Die, Repeat. That's the rythm of the game.

You play as many troubled, and interesting characters. Including, but not limited to... A Film Director, A Sociopath, and A Hostage. The story gets to some dark places,and I mean DARK. Sexual assult, mass murder, and kidnapping, to name a few. If Quentin Tarantino made a video game, this'd be it.

I found myself shooting the guy infront of me and getting killed 1 second later by his comrade who ran in from the neighbouring room. 'Hmph, what if I knock him out by throwing my gun at him, and brutally beat him to death, so the other guy doesn't hear?' I try that. 'Alright, great. It worked. Now I'm sitting in a room where no one will see me. Great. Let's see what's around me. The guy who killed me last time has a friend, in the next room. How do I kill both of them before one of them kills me?'

That's the value of this game. Repetition. The game offers a lot of replay value. 'I wonder if I can beat the game with only melee weapons?'

This game is not without its fault though. Sometimes, dead bodies will clip through walls. Collision detection isn't exactly pixel perfect. Also, the AI is stupid sometimes, 'Oh, hey! My friend is dead on the floor in a pool of blood and guts. I wonder if that loud noise I heard a couple of minutes ago might have something to do with this. Eh, whatever, I better keep going on my patrol path!' Of course, some of this can be a positive. I can't help but feel that if the game had smarter AI, it'd be WAY too hard.

The game isn't something I'd peg myself for enjoying. From the pictures, it looked like an ordinary twin-stick shooter. I'd heard that it's great from a friend. So, I picked it up on sale. That was a few months ago. I only got around to playing it recently. I can't believe this gem has been sitting in my Steam library for months.

Score: Pick it up. But, as with every review, a lot of this is subjective. Read my profile, see if I'm someone that you generally agree with. If you do, then a lot of this is stuff that you'd agree with. If not, see if someone who does have similar opinions has a review.

This game is on PC, PS3, PS4, and PSVita

$14.99 on Steam, PS3, PS4, and PSVita