Amy Schumer version of The Witcher for teenage girls

User Rating: 4 | Horizon Zero Dawn (Collector's Edition) PS4

After playing his game for a few hours I realized it lived up to all the hype it received from speculative you tube reviewers, And I'm not talking about good reviews. All the generic and pointless open world exploration uninhabited by anything virtually productive makes it feel like exploration is just a pointless chore.. the characters and the voice acting sounds like it's a storyline out of viking themed teenage love story, and the dialog sounds like cheesy and poorly translated anime. Seriously, this game takes every possible crack at being like The Witcher 3, but it fails miserably in every possible way. Instead of being driven into the storyline, I found myself trying to skip through all the cutscenes with extremely boring conversation and equally boring characters. It literally feels like wasting time. The entire game looks like it was designed by nothing but artists, The gameplay is awful. Some examples:

  • There is no direction for what to do in boss fights, and no hints telling you about the only way you can defeat a boss that the designers intended.
  • The archery takes place from the right shoulder, like Dead Space, without being able to switch, which makes aiming an arrow feel awkward for anyone who isn't left handed.
  • Game fails miserably with basic physics. i.e Ropes just go right through rocks like single solid linkages

But none of this would really warrant me to write a bad review, as opposed to just scrapping the game, as much as the next issue I have with it. The game is literally sprinkled with an annoying amount of subliminal political correctness, feminism, and politics all rolled into one ball of constant annoyance. The whole game feels like it's designed to corner itself into a very small niche of progressive college gamers that it alienates everyone else who plays it. And it feels like it was made by that same group of people. Can't wait for Mass Effect Andromeda, where you can pick any ten of 63 possible genders.