The Zapper will train you well with impressive Mini-games that addictive and fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Hogan's Alley NES
Game Title: Hogan's Alley
Platform: NES
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Light Gun Shooter
Age Rating: N/A
Release Date: December 15th 1987
Game Score: 8.5/10
The Zapper will train you well with impressive Mini-games that addictive and fun.
Hogan's Alley is a Shooting Gallery game where you pick from 3 different games to chose from and you're ready to take aim and fire.

Game A takes into a Firing Range in which from 3 targets you have to shoot down a gangster target with the quick second Time Limit, if you're slow you'll be penalized. You mustn't shoot down any Civilian targets otherwise you'll get penalized, 10 penalties and it's game over. Quite a simple game but it's quite fun to enjoy.

Game B on the other-hand is where you're in an alley like area in which targets randomly pop out and you have to shoot down the gangster target without missing it or shooting the civilian target. It's great fun it gets quite hard very quickly as you have to be quick on your finger to react fast enough.

Game C is probably is weakest of the 3 despite it's efforts. In this one you shoot cans which begin to fall down and you've got to shoot them into one of 3 stands which measure out different points you'll gain. The main problem with this one is that it only gets challenging after the first 15 rounds which means that only the beginning rounds are too easy. What Hogan's Alley has is impressive for the use of the Zapper and if you can get the deal for the Zapper and Game then it's a sweet bargain.

The presentation looks nice but there isn't much color variety as well as music compared to Duck Hunt. Sound effects are the same but still looks impressive and nicely sounded overall.

Hogan's Alley is a sweet shooting gallery that will please you more if you get the zapper and deal more if you can for the Zapper will train you well with impressive Mini-games that addictive and fun.
The Pros:
1. Impressive 3 games in 1 cartridge like Duck Hunt
2. The games are addictive and enjoyable
3. Impressive for targeting practice

The Bads:
1. Game C becomes only challenging later on
Reviewed by: Anthony Hayball (BlaZer91)