If you like stealth action even just a bit, BUY THIS GAME.

User Rating: 10 | Hitman: Blood Money PC
I have played all the hitman games yet, but blood money is my favourite one. Due to next reasons:

Graphics are really beautiful. Sometimes you ask yourself, is this really directx 9? The enviroment is great. Highly detailed, interactive, great texturing....
Also the effects are great. Explosions, gunshots, strangling[:)], everything looks, and sounds the way it should.

But a game isnt made just with graphics. So the next thing is probably gameplay.
Terrific. The best gameplay I know. The key bindings are just right, one for dropping(throwing items), one picking up items, one for action. It really fits into what a hitman should do. Cover his tracks. The shooting/aiming is also great. if you crouch, you are more accurate, and thing like that really make it feel more realistic.
Also, the camera is special for hitman games. You can look in one direction, but the character can walk into any, even if you hold the mouse. Its more like an PS controlling. If you aim, the character will look where you are looking, of course.

My favourite part of it is the custom-upgrading for weapons. You can add 14 upgrades to just a pistol! It then has a laser, aiming module with a scope attached, extended cartridge, and even bullets can be different.
You dont have this kind of weapon customizing in any of the games I know. So this is what it makes it unique and perfect.

All that is nice, but you see how much effort the developers put in this game when you aim for the best rank on every mission (Silent Assassin).
The way people behave - like talking when there's nothing to be afraid of, and panicking when a bomb brakes loose, but then after 3 minutes, they don't give a crap any more, and realistic suspicion of a guy who has a bar code on the back of his head, etc. makes me believe it has one of the best AI engines in the industry.
Of course, the stealth is great too, the absolute best, and makes the game re- and re- and re-playable for a long time.
I truly am sorry that the developers did not make any add-ons for the game, but that was expected, as no hitman title ever received an official add-on.

Straight 10. But, you shouldn't take my score as the really subjective one, cuz' with this game, I've became a fan of the series.