Blood Money is a thrilling stealth action thriller of a game, instant classic!

User Rating: 10 | Hitman: Blood Money PS2
INTRO: Hitman Blood Money is a thrilling, exciting and intense action and stealth game, you play as merciless assassin known only as 47, as you take on daring contracts to eliminate targets and make money.

GAMEPLAY: Blood Moneys gameplay really is perfect, controls are easy to just pick up and play and are much more practical than previous Hitman games. The camera usually drops in behind 47 but can be rotated in similar style to GTA games allowing you to look behind, but you can also switch to first person view. As a stealth game Hitman really clicks, and it feels so satisfying to silently dispatch enemies without been detected. But as a shooter the game is really just basic but it is still fun to blow away enemies in huge fire fights.

GOOD: Blood Moneys missions take place in gorgeous open environments that really are selling points for the game. Graphics are wonderful to behold, especially on the more powerful Xbox 360 and PC versions. But even the PS2 looks great. Stealth gameplay is fun and very rewarding, all together this is an awesome game.

BAD: Not much can go in this section apart from the overall badness of the first person view. When you select first person the graphics suddenly take a nose dive and quite frankly look awful!

OVERVIEW: Hitman Blood Money delivers a high octane thriller of a game that simply cannot be missed, a real classic.