A highly-addictive stealth game that makes you feel like an assassin, never forcing you to follow any path.

User Rating: 10 | Hitman: Blood Money X360
The gameplay is a very unique mix of stealth and action, making it fun for both fans of stealth and fans of shooters. If you choose to play with stealth, you will spend days brainstorming clever ways to make your hit without any suspicion. If you choose to play like a madman and butcher everything that moves, you will find the game to be rather short but still fun. The A.I. really goes well with the gameplay, immersing you into a realistic world where people don't just mindlessly walk back and forth. People in this game go to the bathroom, talk with their buddies, trim their hedges, check the mail, and so on.
You are given a large variety of weapons and multiple ways to assassinate targets. You'll be poisoning drinks to swapping prop guns with real ones not even half-way though the game, of course nothing is holding you back from just simply running in and shooting everybody. You may find yourself replaying a level several times to find all the possible ways to kill one target. Should you slit his throat, poison his drink, or push him off the balcony and onto the ground below?
The design is beautiful, filled with overwhelming visuals impossible to describe. Each level is jam-packed with several artsy and unique rooms to explore. I actually check every room in every level to make sure I didn't miss anything interesting. The game always finds someway to surprise me no matter how much I've played it.
The story follows a reporter learning about the C.I.A. files on agent 47 (you) given to him by an ex-Government official. What happens is that the reporter is told of a case they believe agent 47 was involved in, and then you play that case. After you finish the case you get to read the local newspaper's headlines documenting the aftermath, and also hosting many other lesser stories that are hilarious to read. The game has many surprising and clever twists that I refuse to spoil, the best one being the ending. If you have not played this game yet then I suggest you do immediately, so stop looking at the reviews and do it. Now!