With an overly expensive game that doesn't work right, Hey You Pikachu is just a waste of money.

User Rating: 3.5 | Pikachu Genki Dechu N64
Really GameSpot? I'm very surprised that the reviewer on GameSpot gave Hey You Pikachu an 8.3 which scored way too high. As you can tell, I didn't like this game very much. Back in the days when I used to be a huge fan of Pokemon at a young age, I too wanted to own Hey You Pikachu for the N64. My mom paid over $80.00 on this game for me on Christmas of 2000. Now I still feel kind of bad for my mom to waste a lot of money on a such a horrible game. Keep in mind because I was only ten years old at the time. I also received Mario Kart 64 on the same year, and that game was way more enjoyable for me to play. Luckily, I traded this game in years ago.

Presentation - Hey You Pikachu is a game where you get to speak to Pikachu while using a microphone that comes with it. It definitely sounds a lot like how you play with the Nintendogs series on the Nintendo DS except this game is much worse than Nintendogs. Every morning your virtual mother greets you with a good morning to have you start your day with training Pikachu. There are various tasks for you to complete such as taking Pikachu out fishing, exploring various Pokemon locations to interact with other Pokemon, and commanding him to complete certain objectives. You can even hang in the house and have Pikachu play a simple trivia game on the television. This is only a single player game, so you and your friends will have to take turns playing this.

Graphics - Since I haven't played this game in so long, I'm going to use IGN as a source to explain more about the graphics. The resolution of the textures is pretty low and has a weak draw distance which results in having a lot of pop up. The overall animation of the characters is pretty decent and the game looks pretty colorful.

Sound - The music is however a lot better than the actual game play. The music is overall cute and adorable to listen and the overall sound effects are pretty decent. The music may sound a bit too cutesy for the older Pokemon fans. The Pokemon character voices sound like how they do in the television series.

Game play - This area is what absolutely kills this game. The voice recognition is so unresponsive and more than half the time Pikachu ignores your commands. For example, there was one task where had to have Pikachu pick up an apple from a tree. Every time I told him to pick up an apple, he either got angry for no reason or stood there like a moron who didn't understood what I said to him. He didn't even listen to my commands one bit, and I got so frustrated that I practically gave up on completing this frustrating and impossible task.

Lasting appeal - With an overly expensive game that doesn't work right, Hey You Pikachu is just a waste of money and is totally not fun for children, teens, and adults to play. Even the diehard Pokemon fans should absolutely stay away from this terrible game.

The Good - cute music for little kids to listen, the only Pokemon game on the N64 to feature voice recognition

The Bad - paying over eighty dollars is way too expensive to buy a video game, controls are broken which makes this game mostly unplayable, graphics were pretty mediocre back then

Presentation- 5
Graphics- 5
Sound- 8
Game play- 0
Lasting appeal - 0

Overall 3.6 out of 10 GameSpot Score 3.5 out of 10