Hexen is a nice game, but its a very confusing and hard game.

User Rating: 6.4 | Hexen: Beyond Heretic PC
Hexen plays alot like the Doom games, but looks different.
Hexen is all about completing puzzles and killing monsters and stuff.

Nice gameplay.
+Different classes, which also increases the value of the game.
+Every class has different weapons
+Different enemies
-Hard game
-Hard puzzles
-Confusing puzzles

+Look good for the old times
+If you have an old computer there are no stability problems
-Running on a high end computer may cause stability crashes.

+Nice environment sounds
+Good scary enemy sounds
-Boring music effects

Nice value.
+Different classes and weapons
+Lots of levels, because of puzzle solving
-Small levels

+Fair presentation
-No intro movie

Cya all and if you like this game play it!