Absolutely amazing game. It's just too short.

User Rating: 9 | Heavenly Sword PS3
Basically, the title says it all. The story is amazing, the combat is amazing, the graphics are absolutely amazing and almost every other thing is amazing. The only reason the mark was a 9/10 and not a 10/10 was because it really was just too short.

The characters in the game are so well designed, and their voices match so perfectly to fit the characters, its hard to find any fault between them. The combat is unbelievably satisfying, from body wrenching sword attacks, to throwing your opponent in the air and unleashing hell. Its just non-stop action playing fun. The sound effects to the sword play and other things is brilliant.And the graphics I have to say again, are just amazing! Early on in the game you can look past the location your at now and watch gigantic waterfalls pummelling water into clouds of mist at the bottom. The water and almost ever other element in the game is unbelievably realistic. The quality of detail shown in the game is amazing The fluidity of the gameplay is awesome, moving from one area to the next quickly whilst watching Nariko's long red hair blow franticly in the wind is awesome to watch.

Overall, an amazing game. Just slightly disappointment on its length.

Thank you, and Happy Gaming :)