Very enjoyable, old-school button masher.

User Rating: 8.5 | Heavenly Sword PS3
I bought a PS3 in early 2008. From then until now, Heavenly Sword has been a game I always saw selling cheaply, so avoided it, assuming it couldn't be very good.

Whilst searching this site, I saw it get a positive review, and as a result downloaded the demo. The demo itself was fairly short, but it looked good, and I enjoyed it, so finally bought the game.

I wasn't disappointed by it. The controls are easy to get used to, the game looks fantastic, and despite an occassional lapse in lip-synching the dialogue and how it is acted is pretty good. You develop skills as you progress through the game, facing more and more enemies.

The final battles are pretty epic, with your solitary hero facing up to literally hundreds of enemies, before a final one-on-one showdown. So into the game was I at this point that I played it into the wee hours of the morning as I desperately tried to beat the final boss.

The game did feel slightly short, but I did play it in large chunks, so perhaps I just progressed through it quickly as a result. But it's easy to play and the graphics are good, so it's well worth checking out, especially given it's availability at bargain bin prices.