A decent stroll through the Harvest Moon world that left a good impression.

User Rating: 7.5 | Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility WII
Harvest Moon ToT deserves much praise despite it's flaws. Compared to other HM games I have played, ToT was one of the better ones. Note that I am only an avid HM fan and I have not played every single game in the series. But here are some thoughts of praise:

A) Very large selection and diverse group of bachelors and bachelorettes. They're all very cute!
B) I liked the music and organization of the town, events, and story.
C) It was very clean, and prices for your crops and produce were very satisfactory.
D) Music was very cute and pleasant.
E) I hate farming and farming games, but HM ToT really caught my attention. (and the abbreviation kind of looks like a face).
F) Cute furniture!
G) The story was good! I genuinely enjoyed it.
H) Enjoyed the fresh graphics. The animals are so adorable.

However, this game does have a handful of flaws:
A) Time consuming...and those sprite quests can sometimes take you a hell of a long time! Finishing the game will take a while.
B) If you're tired...you might fall asleep playing this game in the beginning. (I actually did).
C) The clothes were mostly butt-ugly.
D) There was too much running to do. Sometimes running to the opposite side of the island to buy some animal food took a decade. By the time I finished this game, I probably crossed the entire United States by foot...holy jesus.

And for people as cheap as I am, players can buy this game under 20 bucks now, and I say it is worth the money, especially if you like HM! For first timers, according to my hardcore HM buddies, HM A Wonderful Life was better. Ultimately, I enjoyed this game! But because of how long it takes to finish it... I don't think I would ever play this again.

Hope this review was helpful to you all :]