If you can't handle death in real life, don't bother playing Harvest Moon 2.

User Rating: 6.5 | Bokujou Monogatari: Wonderful Life for Girls GC
Okay, one thing about Havest Moon 2, ITS THE EXACT SAME THING AS THE FIRST ONE!!! Another thing that still stinks, you still can't choose between a boy and a girl to play as. So basiclly I gave this game to my sister. Another thing, I cannot find a guide anywhere cheap for this stupid game, so I can never grow any crops, which means my character has to stop EVERY 5 seconds to complain how hungry she is. Once I found a site for the cheats for the game, my printer broke because of a paper jam. This game has so many darn cheats my GameCube froze. So, basiclly, the game is a survival test. Another thing, hate the loss of a loved one? DON'T FEED YOUR COW. I feed my cow twice a day, and after at least 3 days it died of hunger. WHAT THE FUDGE??? And when it dies it's so dramatic. For me, I'm very emotional, but this is rediculious. There are even videos on youtube for it. I found that real sad. The only "good" thing about the game would be when you have a baby. They're pretty cute.