The game is great the best Potter game ever touh it where wery easy.... the game is todaly wort the mony!!

User Rating: 10 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince WII
I myself used around 6 hours to complete this game i hope they creat 2 potter games more around the movies since they are creating Part 1 and Part 2 of the last movie i hope they do it on the games to and this time hard game

thou its funny to do the game over agen on anoter save and after return to the first and then go around Howgrats Castel to find all the extras like all dueling peapol

the story is like in the movie wibout you cane go to dueling clups and training your dueling and geting more healt in dueling or stronger spels of becomming champion on one off the 4 houses its mouths or go to Potions club and creat a potion or do you rather stick to doing Quidditch the story is mouths fun to like going after Snape and draco for spying on them or runing after the deahteaters in the end. Or in the Crishmis (sorry im not english dont know how thet spels in english)

or taking the clases with Dumbeldorre or Slughorm

and mouths more fun is whaiting in the game its great buy it!!!

(sorry my bad english im not english)