An unbelievable let-down.

User Rating: 2 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets GBA
To clear this out of the way, the game sucks. There was no fun to be had - AT ALL.

The quests are overly easy so there is really no interest to the game. They tried to include quidditch but failed miserably. The controls are shotty in the game so during the jelly bean side quest you had to try repeatedly to get anything done. The final confontation was at least a little better, but overly easy. At least it gave a bit of a challenge. Final: If you want to get fun out of your GBA/SP, avoid this horrid game.

Joy, now I have to fill up 300 more characters with useless nonsense. So, who likes pie? I for one adore it. Except for pecan pie, that's yucky... Is it up to 800 characters yet? Son of a b**** it is! WOO! Time to end this awful review about an equally awful game, and then maybe have a slice of pie!! Goodbye!