A must for any Harry Potter fan.

User Rating: 8.1 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC
What I like most about this game is that it gives you a fair amount of freedom: you can explore the Hogwarts castle and its grounds, interact with other students and play Quidditch as many times as you like. Although the castle is not quite how I imagine it, it still gives you a feeling of being inside the world of Harry Potter, which is quite fun. Music and voice acting are both very good and add to the experience. What surprised me was that this game sticks to the book, rather than to the movie; I found that strange at first, but then came to appreciate it (although, IMHO, a few pieces of John Williams’s excellent score wouldn’t have hurt at all). This is not some rip-off, this is a stand-alone experience (although if you haven’t read the book you’ll have some trouble following the story).
The gameplay consists of fighting your way through various obstacles and enemies, like in any other arcade. From time to time you will discover secret places with different bonuses, the most prized of which are Bronze and Silver Wizard cards. Apart from having amusing pictures and information on them, they’ll increase your maximum health (Bronze cards) or serve as keys to unlock a special area (Silver cards). You can also buy those from students, the legal tender being Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (btw, I never knew, until I played this game, that Bertie Bott was a guy :) which can be found throughout the castle. Additionally, you’ll be able to duel other students at the Dueling Club meetings and play Quidditch. Unfortunately, a great deal has been cut from the PC version (like having to sneak out at night and avoid the prefects), but this game will still give you plenty of enjoyable moments.
What is disappointing about the game is that you cannot choose the spell you cast and that they (the spells) are abysmally few. The game lacks interactivity and often makes you feel frustrated (I hoped that would be fixed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I hoped wrong :( )
Conclusion: a must for any Harry Potter fan.