Halo Wars has been underestimated and should be looked upon as a game of challenge.

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo Wars X360
Halo Wars is a RTS based game for the Xbox 360 console. The game has wowed me in a lot of ways, but has considerable turned off some of our FPS gamers out there. But the game shouldn't be criticized badly just because other people say its bad, unless of course, RTS isn't your type of game, then why bother gaming about it? Of course... back to my points

The first thing that went to me when Halo Wars came out was that, Wow, its an RTS, thats quite unusual for Bungie to make. But never the less, that attraction has forced myself to get the game and see how good Bungie was creating their first RTS game ^_^ woohoo!

Storyline: 7/10
The storyline was... somewhat original in its own sense. I mean aliens invading a planet, that's original alright (sarcastically) But the fact that this is a Halo based original, why not haha.
Somethings original about it but I can't quite pick it up. But the story is based on a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT planet, has completely different characters, and has completely different people! But I can't blow the storyline to you until you get the game.

Gameplay: 9/10
For any RTS games "ever" made on the Xbox360 or consoles... This is actually good! I have never played a more simplified version of an RTS... instead of having to remember hotkeys on the computer while playing wings of liberty...
Its rather simple really... You press A to select and X to move... and X to attack and Y to special attack... thats not complicated at all. So Kudos for you bungie ^_^
The Units are actually very unique and play an important part of the armies in Halo. Its very good and the squadrons Master Chief normally faces is like a full scale of epic on a squad of marines. So this game puts up a nice heads up display of some good memories of that other Halos.

Graphics: 7.5/10
The graphics looked great from a distance... and then I zoomed in... eck, its like looking at a character from a 2001 game... but its on a massive scale so I didn't bother with that. Besides that, the actual scenery graphics were pretty good, not great... not terrible, but decent enough to look at. Adds that epicness to it, see I made up an original word to an original game.
The scenery is actually very neat and puts you to the test, maybe you shouldn't judge a book my its cover.

Overall: 8.5/10
Yeah.... yeah, the score doesn't equal 8.5, I really don't care because the gameplay has the biggest impact on quality... anyways, the game delivers what its meant to deliver for RTS game players and may cause other people to stay away from the game...
This game is worth it, if your a fan of RTS, a Halo fan who enjoys a challenge, and those willing to watch large armies clash against each other...
This game can jam in hours of gameplay, so its suggested for most, if not all RTS fans and Halo fans, its worth the cut, and shouldn't be undertaken just because its an RTS and it bores you. Dig in and Dive... this is DaftXMuzic here and this is my review of Halo Wars...
A game worth getting under these circumstances
- a love for RTS
- a fan of Halo series (no matter what)
- a quick action paced gameplay
- a cool cinematic movie scene watcher
- a maniac of armies killing each other

- FPS gamers or other gamers of any types
- A true Halo gamer (FPS only)
- Haters
- Ranters