Half-Life: Source will give you the nostalgia of the original Half-Life, while giving you a few improvements.

User Rating: 8 | Half-Life: Source PC
Half-Life: Source was one of Valves first attempts at the new Source Engine. It worked well and ended up quite good. Half-Life: Source is more of an improvement than anything else. For anyone looking for a remastered version, look elsewhere. Half-Life: Source gives a fun nostalgic feel to your senses, while adding some improvements. The water in this version was spectacular for the time: amazing, realistic water. Some enemy textures and actual textures were changed, and quality was too. This also comes with Deathmatch: Source, which is also slightly improved than Half-Life: Deathmatch. Anyone looking for a whole new experience, look elsewhere; anyone looking for an old-school feel with some cool improvements, then you're set. Just a reminder though that this is not a remake or remaster, it's essentially the same thing used to test source, and to bring deja vu. And it does a great job on that.