Really great compilation with really good price, only thirty bucks!

User Rating: 9 | Half-Life: Platinum Collection PC
Half Life is one of the best shooters ever and this isn't an unknown fact. When the game was released in a generation way ahead of its time. It featured all the gameplay enhancements that didn't start showing up until years later. This was the biggest shooter following Doom II and it took the world by storm. Making a insane jump from one of the greatest games ever, but visually hideous game (Doom 2) to this amazing 3D fully realized shooter. Half-Life's story is focused around a subterranean bio-chemical research facility, the Black Mesa Research Facility located in Arizona. This is a top-notch, high security and very Area 51-like base that features death squads, high tech machinery, robots and much more. Half Life's main character is Gordan Freeman, a employee at the Black Mesa facility. He is an ordinary man who will face some extraordinary challenges in what lies ahead. Gordan Freeman is faced with an onslaught of alien beings from another planet or perhaps another dimension. Once hell has broken loose (after a failed experiment) Gordan is told he must reach the surface... but this won't be easy. Hordes of aliens, a government death squad whose mission is to eliminate all employees and evidence that the Black Mesa Facility ever existed. What to do? Half Life is an experience not to be missed by avid FPS fans and PC gamers all around. Also those of whom own a PS2 also have the privileage to play it for the PS2. Simply put, get this game.