While you may enjoy the inclusion of Opposing Force, Blue-Shift is a tad too short

User Rating: 8 | Half-Life: Blue Shift PC
Ok, this is about the pack of Blue-Shift, which includes Opposing Force, so, if you don't have that, I recommend you stop reading.

Blue-Shift is so short, you might say, "Why did I waste my money?", but friends a life-saver pack which includes Opposing Force has arrived. In Blue-Shift you become a Black Mesa security guard, Barney Calhoun.

Barney is a good guy who shoots aliens and marines. Your arsenal isn't impressive ( way below the cool weapons of Opposing Force ). So don't expect guns to be fun. The game itself is quite easy in the medium level, since there is no big, bad final boss.Nope. Your hardest task is to do a couple of...(errands?) for a Black Mesa scientist called Dr. Rosenburg. After you save his butt from enemies he becomes a pain and starts directing you around. Apart from being short Blue-Shift has very few other problems.

On the other hand, in Opposing Force, you pick up the guns of Corporal Adrian Shepard, who shoots aliens and was sent to terminate Gordon Freeman. You will definitely enjoy playing Opposing Force, its much longer than Blue-Shift, Shepard uses some beautiful weapons and of course there are some new aliens which were not present in the original Half-Life. The final boss is fun to blow up.

The High-Definition pack included in the game considerably improves the visual quality of BS and OF.

An interesting feature of these games is that Calhoun and Shepard were running around in the Black Mesa Research Facility at the same time as Gordon Freeman. You can catch glimpses of Freeman in the games.

Well, every game has at least one flaw and not considering the flaws of these, you should definitely play BS and OF as they are the widely acclaimed Half-Life games!