It has potential, but falls short of the mark.

User Rating: 7.8 | Half-Life: Blue Shift PC
For any fan of Half-Life, this is a must-have addition to the Half-Life experience. Despite its lack of length and technical problems, Blue Shift is a fun experience that is worthy of the Half-Life legacy. In Blue Shift, you play as Barney Calhoun, a security guard at the Black Mesa Research Facility, where the original Half-Life plot takes place. However, there is a completely different story to be told from Barney's point of view. The interactions between guards and scientists can be drop-dead hilarious in this game, and the previously unseen parts of Black Mesa are something to behold as well. Blue Shift adds a whole new dimension to Half-Life, and also explains why Barney is in Half-Life 2. Honestly, the only complaint I have about Blue Shift is that it is nowhere near as long as Half Life or its successor, Half Life: Opposing Forces, which is included with Blue Shift, a very bountiful bonus! Once you get through Blue Shift, which won't take very long, go mow through Opposing Forces, which is a much longer and more immersive experience. Overally, Blue Shift is a worthy game, however if it didn't have the obvious technical errors (decal problems, savegames) and if it was much longer, it would be right up alongside its brothers in the HL trinity.