No need to repeat the other reviews ad-nauseum, just suffice it to say that Half Life 2 is by far the best FPS ever made

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
It's been said before and with much more eloquence than I can muster, so let me just throw in my 2 cents by saying that Half Life 2 lived up to the hype, trancended the genre, and upped the anti for all upcoming first person shooters. The sheer immersiveness of the environment, the incredible characters, the rugged feel of the weapons, the absolutely shocking scripted events, and the non-stop action all add up to an experience I won't soon forget. The only gripe I had with the entire experience was a problem with some stuttering audio immediately after level loads and auto-saves. Valve is said to be working on this issue. So to sum it up: three words - BUY THIS GAME.