Cheats & Guides

Half-Life 2 Cheats For Xbox

  1. Cheat Codes

    Anytime during gameplay enter:

    Effect Effect
    Y B A X White Y X A B White Restores ammo for current weapon
    Left x4, Black, Right x4, White Unlocks all chapters

    Contributed by: 1456789, Wanz4 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Ultimate_Timmeh 168K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by _HexRei_ 86K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Shotgunnova 159K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Paraphrase 224K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Devolution 62K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheOne 38K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheSteelPhantom 306K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Kazarus 33K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by KeeperBvK 188K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheGum 193K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RainingMetal 124K
In-Depth Guides Game Script by vegetarian_onos 75K
In-Depth Guides Gravity Gun Challenge Guide by bumcheekcity 35K
In-Depth Guides Hints and Tips by sdunigan 106K
In-Depth Guides Weapon FAQ by El_Greco 29K

Half-Life 2 Cheats For PC

  1. Anticitizen one chapter ending

    At the end of anticitizen one, just where dog fights combines at the moving wall, You will walk into a broken stair/elevator room. When you jump over the fence and walk into it, there will be a TV in a broken room. (Note: this secret uncommonly works.) If you stay in that room long enough, the tv will start playing music and showing gman on it.

    Contributed by: hahayes2 

  2. How to Spawn NPCs

    Access the console, type in "npc_create npc_<name>" and replace the name with one of these:

    Effect Effect

    Contributed by: RandomHeroDX, Shadow. 

  3. Ammo Codes

    Press ' (or ~) to bring up the console. Type "give" followed by these codes (you might need to type sv_cheats 1 first) to get more ammo.

    Effect Effect
    item_ammo_357 .357 Ammo
    item_box_srounds 9mm Ammo
    item_ammo_crossbow Crossbow Ammo
    item_box_lrounds Pulse Gun Ammo
    item_ml_grenade RPG Rocket
    item_box_buckshot Shotgun Ammo
    item_box_mrounds SMG Ammo
    item_ar2_grenade SMG Grenades (secondary shot)

    Contributed by: Manepss 

  4. Console Codes

    Use the [~] key during gameplay to bring up the console and enter the following codes there: <br/>

    Effect Effect
    weapon_357 .357 Magnum
    sk_plr_dmg_357 # # is new damage value for .357 Magnum
    sk_plr_dmg_crossbow # # is new damage value for crossbow
    sk_plr_dmg_crowbar # # is new damage value for crowbar
    sk_plr_dmg_grenade # # is new damage value for grenades
    sk_plr_dmg_pistol # # is new damage value for pistol
    sk_plr_dmg_ar2 # # is new damage value for Pulse Rifle
    sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round # # is new damage value for RPG rockets
    sk_plr_dmg_buckshot # # is new damage value for shotgun
    sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade # # is new damage value for SMG grenades
    sk_plr_dmg_smg1 # # is new damage value for submachine gun
    sk_max_357 # # is new max ammo for .357 Magnum
    sk_max_crossbow # # is new max ammo for crossbow
    sk_max_grenade # # is new max ammo for hand grenades
    sk_max_pistol # # is new max ammo for pistol
    sk_max_ar2 # # is new max ammo for Pulse Rifle
    sk_max_ar2_altfire # # is new max ammo for Pulse Rifle energy orbs
    sk_max_rpg_round # # is new max ammo for RPG
    sk_max_buckshot # # is new max ammo for shotgun
    sk_max_smg1_grenade # # is new max ammo for SMG grenades
    sk_max_smg1 # # is new max ammo for submachine gun
    sk_max_smg1 # # is new max ammo for submachine gun
    weapon_shotgun 12-Gauge Shotgun
    weapon_pistol 9mm Pistol
    net_graph 1 a more thorough fps display
    noclip Ability to walk through walls (Server Side Only)
    sv_cheats 1 Activates Cheats
    viewmodel_fov # Adjusts size of the weapon you're carrying (54 = default)
    impulse 101 All Weapons
    mat_yuv 1 black-and-white mode
    cl_showpos 1 brings up position display in top right of screen (0 removes it)
    getpos can be used to get current coords for use with setpos
    skill # change skill level (# = 1, 2, or 3)
    air_density # Change the density of air. (Add number in place of #)
    physcannon_maxforce # Changes how hard you propel objects
    physcannon_maxmass # Changes how large pulled objects can be
    physcannon_pullforce # Changes how quickly objects are pulled
    physcannon_tracelength # Changes the length that objects can be pulled from
    physcannon_cone # Changes the radius of the cone used to pick up objects
    host_timescale # Changes the speed of the game (for slow-mo/fast-mo) (# < 1 = slower, # > 1 = faster).
    shake Creates an earthquake.
    npc_create Creates an NPC
    npc_create_aimed Creates an NPC (Aiming away from player)
    weapon_crossbow Crossbow
    weapon_crowbar Crowbar
    Hurtme # Damages player by whatever variable you input as #
    crosshair 0 Disables Crosshair
    maps Displays Map listing
    mat_yuv 0 Enables Color Mode
    +mlook Enables mouse look
    cl_ragdoll_collide 1 Enables ragdolls that don't clip through each other, but stack realistically on one another.
    exec # Execute a script file (Input filename in place of #)
    firstperson First Person View
    weapon_frag Fragmentation Grenade
    give # Give weapon (Input weapon name in place of #)
    sv_infinite_aux_power 1 gives infinite power for sprinting, etc.
    sv_infinite_aux_power 1 gives infinite power for sprinting, etc.
    r_screenoverlay effects/combine_binocoverlay.vmt Gives you combine vision during gameplay.
    give weapon_annabelle gives you Father Gregori's modified shotgun
    give weapon_physcannon Gives you Gravity Gun
    give item_suit Gives you the HEV Suit
    item_healthkit Gives you the large health kit (25HP)
    item_healthvial Gives you the small health vial (10HP)
    r_screenoverlay effects/tp_eyefx/tp_eyefx.vmt Gives you weird vision during gameplay.
    God God Mode (Server side only)
    impulse 76 Grunt-O-Matic
    buddha Health never goes below 1
    Hidehud 1 Hide the HUD except for the crosshair
    Impulse 200 Holster your current weapon
    sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets # Increases pellets fired from each shotgun shell. 100 works well. 1000+ and it lags.
    give item_battery Increases suit charge by 15 points.
    notarget Invisible to NPC's
    mat_numtextureunits # Limit the number of texture units. (Add number in place of #) (0=Default)
    Map # Load Map (Input title in place of #)
    ch_createjeep Make a jeep
    ch_createairboat Makes an airboat
    physcannon_mega_enabled 1 Makes your Gravity Gun a Super Gravity Gun
    setpos Move player to specified origin
    npc_create_equipment weapon_crowbar NPC spawns equipped with a crowbar.
    npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2 NPC spawns equipped with a pulse rifle.
    npc_create_equipment weapon_RPG NPC spawns equipped with a RPG rocket launcher.
    npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun NPC spawns equipped with a shotgun.
    npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1 NPC spawns equipped with a SMG.
    sk_npc_dmg_shotgun # NPC's do # damage with shotgun
    sk_npc_dmg_ar2 # NPC's do # damage with the pulse rifle
    sk_npc_dmg_smg1 # NPC's do # damage with the smg
    weapon_ar2 Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
    weapon_bugbait Pherapods
    sk_plr_dmg_buckshot # Raises damage done by each pellet.
    sk_max_buckshot # Raises your max number of shells to that number.
    give weapon_shotgun Recieve a Shotgun
    Hidehud 4 Remove the entire HUD including the crosshair
    mat_fullbright 1 removes all shadows (a 0 restores them)
    mat_fullbright 1 removes all shadows (a 0 restores them)
    impulse 203 removes the item or NPC pointed at
    impulse 203 removes the item or NPC pointed at
    help $ replace $ with a command to get a brief description of it
    weapon_rpg Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher
    mat_depthbias_normal 1 See through walls
    sv_gravity # Set Gravity (Add number in place of #)
    dsp_explosion_effect_duration # Set length of confusion/ear-ringing effect(Add number in place of #)
    sv_stopspeed # Set Minimum Stopping Speed on ground (Add number in place of #)
    sv_waterdist # Set Vertical View when eyes are near water plane.
    sv_friction # Set World Friction (Add number in place of #)
    sv_bounce # Sets bounce multiplier for physically simulated object collisions
    Developer # Sets developer mode to on/off/verbose (0-off, 1-on, 2-verbose)
    sv_maxvelocity # Sets Maximum Velocity of any moving object (Add number in place of #)
    hud_quickhelp/text? 1 Shows Crosshairs
    cl_showfps 1 Shows FPS Rate
    status shows some game info, incl. current map
    setang Snap players eyes to a specified pitch yaw
    impulse 82 Spawn a Jeep
    impulse 83 Spawn an Air Boat
    give item_ammo_357 Spawns ammo for the .357 magnum
    give item_box_srounds Spawns ammo for the 9mm pistol
    give item_ammo_crossbow Spawns ammo for the crossbow
    give item_ammo_ar2_altfire Spawns energy grenade for the Overwatch Pulse Rifle
    give item_rpg_round OR give item_ml_grenade Spawns grenades for the RPG
    give item_ar2_grenade Spawns grenades for the submachinegun, oddly enough..........
    give item_ammo_ar2 Spawns primary fire ammo for the Overwatch Pulse Rifle
    give item_box_mrounds Spawns primary fire ammo for the submachinegun
    give item_box_buckshot Spawns shells for the 12-gauge shotgun
    weapon_smg1 Submachine Gun
    thirdperson Third Person View
    prop_debug Toggle bounding-boxes debug mode on/off red - ignore damage, white - respond to damage, green - health)
    cl_drawhud 1 Toggle HUD display On
    cl_enablehud 1 Toggle HUD display On
    sv_soundemitter_filecheck Toggle reporting missing .wav files for sounds
    ai_disable toggles enemy AI on/off
    cl_enablehud 0 Toggles HUD off.
    cl_drawhud 0 Toggles HUD off.
    picker Toggles Picker mode on
    violence_ablood 0 Turns off alien blood.
    violence_agibs 0 Turns off alien gibs.
    violence_hblood 0 Turns off human blood.
    violence_hgibs 0 Turns off human gibs.
    sv_unlockedchapters # (Note: 15 is end credits) Unlock chapters 1 thru #
    sv_unlockedchapters # unlocks chapters 1 thru # (15 is end credits)
    Kill You die.
    weapon_physcannon Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator Gun

    Contributed by: rctRCT, sdunigan, GunslingerX, Swiftshark, EAH_xXDeathXx, jonsushi, Kaboobi, Asasin, Foxdude2002, vicdude99, Shadow., Rearden_Metal, Viperous, XxCaLeBxX, Shoy, halflife2lover, Darth_Mike, nerevar1, Heretick, Richie_B43, teh_yeti, gamerguy132, wyvern236, megamanv7, PikaZeroX, LAZARUS187, E_102_Gamma, Blue_Shark 

  5. 'Alyx Gun'

    Enter these codes in the console to get the 'Alyx Gun', which appears to be some kind of prototype pistol. Goes as the a third pistol, has 30 bullet clip, no extra ammo, and it looks like an iron bar that was surgically put into Gordon's side.

    Effect Effect
    sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun # # is new damage for Alyx Gun (default 150
    sk_max_alyxgun # # is new max ammo for Alyx Gun (default 0)
    give weapon_alyxgun Gives you the 'Alyx Gun'

    Contributed by: teh_yeti 

  6. Steam Achievements

    Achievement Achievement
    Get the airboat. Anchor's Aweigh!
    Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field. Atomizer
    Kill five barnacles with one barrel. Barnacle Bowling
    Find the HEV Suit Charger faceplate in Eli's scrapyard. Blast from the Past
    Use the antlions to kill 50 enemies. Bug Hunt
    Kill all of the snipers in City 17. Counter-Sniper
    Hit the trashcan cop with the can. Defiant
    Shut down the supression device by disabling its generators. Fight the Power
    Kill an enemy with a toilet. Flushed
    Gain command of a squad of rebels in the uprising. Follow Freeman
    Survive the rooftop strider battle in the ruins of City 17. Giant Killer
    Kill five enemies with a Manhack. Hack Attack!
    Escort Gregori safely through the church cemetery. Hallowed Ground
    Get the airboat's mounted gun. Heavy Weapons
    Cross the antlion beach in chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand. Keep Off the Sand!
    Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2. Lambda Locator
    Escape the apartment block raid. Malcontent
    Destroy six gunships in Half-Life 2. One Man Army
    Kill 3 enemies using the crane. OSHA Violation
    Survive the generator plaza standoff in chapter Anticitizen One. Plaza Defender
    Get through the toxic tunnel under City 17 in Half-Life 2. Radiation Levels Detected
    Destroy the hunter-chopper in Half-Life 2. Revenge!
    Destroy the Citadel's reactor core. Singularity Collapse
    Put the can in the trash. Submissive
    Pin a soldier to the billboard in chapter Highway 17. Targetted Advertising
    Get the crowbar. Trusty Hardware
    Use dog's ball to make a basket in eli's scrapyard. Two Points
    Discover the hidden singing vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard. Vorticough
    Survive the second turret standoff in Nova Prospekt. Warden Freeman
    Break the mini-teleporter in Kleiner's lab. What cat?
    Defend Little Odessa from the gunship attack. Where Cubbage Fears to Tread
    Get the Gravity Gun in Black Mesa East. Zero-Point Energy
    Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun. Zombie Chopper

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

  7. Console Code

    Open the console menu using ~ and imput this code:

    bind key command

    This binds a console command to a key. Note that if the command has arguments, quotes must be used. For example: bind x "impulse 101"

    Be careful on which key you choose. If you use a key already in use for the game (W, A, S, D are for movement, 1-6 is used for weapons, G is for gravity gun, etc), the bind command will override the original command, and you will not be able to use it anymore.

    Effect Effect
    bind X "Impulse 101" Creates a hot key for instant stock of weapnos and ammunition using the "x" key

    Contributed by: visionimmortal 

  8. Slow Deaths

    Open the console while playing the game, enter cl_phys_timescale 0.05 or any of the others listed below. (1 sets the game back to normal speed)

    Effect Effect
    0.5 mid-slow
    0.05 slow
    0.0 stop time
    0.1 super-slow

    Contributed by: MatrixMafia222 

  9. Console Commands

    Use the [~] key during gameplay to bring up the console and enter the following commands there:

    Effect Effect
    play demo_name Plays demo.(change demo_name to the demo you want to be played)
    record demo_name Records a demo of all the user's actions within the game until the "stop" command is issued.
    stop Stops recording the current demo.

    Contributed by: gamefreaksl 

  10. Map codes

    Enter these with the 'map' code in the console. Press ~ to activate the console.

    Effect Effect
    d1_under_04 Spawn the lab chapter near the end.
    d1_trainstation_03 Spawns in the train station after the second load point.
    d1_trainstation_05 Spawns in the train station after the third load point.
    d1_canal_09 Spawns in you in the canals after the eighth load point.
    d1_canals_12 Spawns in you in the canals after the eleventh load point.
    d1_canals_06 Spawns in you in the canals after the fifth load point.
    d1_canals_05 Spawns in you in the canals after the fourth load point.
    d1_canal_10 Spawns in you in the canals after the ninth load point.
    d1_canals_03 Spawns in you in the canals after the second load point.
    d1_canal_08 Spawns in you in the canals after the seventh load point.
    d1_canals_07 Spawns in you in the canals after the sixth load point.
    d1_canals_11 Spawns in you in the canals after the tenth load point.
    d1_canals_04 Spawns in you in the canals after the third load point.
    d1_canals_13 Spawns in you in the canals close to the end.
    d1_eli_01 Spawns you after the canal, outside of Eli's Lab.
    d3_citadel_02 Spawns you after the first load point in the Citadel.
    d3_citadel_03 Spawns you after the second load point in the Citadel.
    d3_citadel_04 Spawns you after the third load point in the Citadel.
    d1_breen_01 Spawns you at the beginning of Chapter 13.
    d3_citadel_05 Spawns you at the end of the Citadel.
    d1_canals_02 Spawns you deeper in the canals.
    d3_c17_09 Spawns you in City 17 after the eighth load point.
    d3_c17_12 Spawns you in City 17 after the eleventh load point.
    d3_c17_06 Spawns you in City 17 after the fifth load point.
    d3_c17_02 Spawns you in City 17 after the first load point.
    d3_c17_05 Spawns you in City 17 after the fourth load point.
    d3_c17_10 Spawns you in City 17 after the ninth load point.
    d3_c17_03 Spawns you in City 17 after the second load point.
    d3_c17_08 Spawns you in City 17 after the seventh load point.
    d3_c17_07 Spawns you in City 17 after the sixth load point.
    d3_c18_11 Spawns you in City 17 after the tenth load point.
    d3_c17_04 Spawns you in City 17 after the third load point.
    d1_eli_02 Spawns you in Eli's Lab.
    d1_under_01 Spawns you in lab
    d2_prison_01 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt
    d2_prison_06 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the fifth load point.
    d2_prison_02 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the first load point.
    d2_prison_03 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the second load point.
    d2_prison_07 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the sixth load point.
    d2_prison_04 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the third load point.
    d2_prison_05 Spawns you in Nova Prospekt near the end of the level.
    d1_town_01 Spawns you in Ravenholm
    d1_town_02 Spawns you in Ravenholm after the first load point area.
    d1_town_03 Spawns you in Ravenholm after the second load point area.
    d1_town_04 Spawns you in Ravenholm after the third load point area.
    d1_canals_01 Spawns you in the canals.
    d3_c17_01 Spawns you in the city 17 rebellion
    d2_coast_09 Spawns you in the coast area after the eighth load point.
    d2_coast_06 Spawns you in the coast area after the fifth load point.
    d2_coast_02 Spawns you in the coast area after the first load point.
    d2_coast_05 Spawns you in the coast area after the fourth load point.
    d2_coast_10 Spawns you in the coast area after the ninth load point.
    d2_coast_03 Spawns you in the coast area after the second load point.
    d2_coast_07 Spawns you in the coast area after the sixth load point.
    d2_coast_11 Spawns you in the coast area after the tenth load point.
    d2_coast_04 Spawns you in the coast area after the third load point.
    d2_coast_08 Spawns you in the coast area near the end of it.
    d1_under_02 Spawns you in the lab chapter after the second load point.
    d1_under_03 Spawns you in the lab chapter after the third load point.
    d1_trainstation_01 Spawns you in train station
    d1_trainstation_02 Spawns you in train station after the first load point.
    d3_citadel_01 Spawns you near the beginning of the Citadel.
    d3_c17_13 Spawns you near the end of City 17.
    d2_prison_08 Spawns you near the end of Nova Prospekt.
    d1_town_05 Spawns you near the end of Ravenholm.
    d1_canals_end Spawns you near the end of the canals.
    d2_coast_12 Spawns you near the end of the coast area.
    d1_trainstation_06 Spawns you near the end of the train station.
    d2_coast_01 Spawns you on the coast (Vehicle)
    credits Starts you at the credits
    intro Starts you at the games Intro.

    Contributed by: Shadow., Abraham_SATO 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Ultimate_Timmeh 168K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheOne 38K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RainingMetal 124K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Shotgunnova 159K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheGum 193K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by KeeperBvK 188K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Kazarus 33K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by TheSteelPhantom 306K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Devolution 62K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Paraphrase 224K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by _HexRei_ 86K
In-Depth Guides Achievement Guide by arkena 19K
In-Depth Guides Deathmatch Guide by AmishTechnology 127K
In-Depth Guides Game Script by vegetarian_onos 75K
In-Depth Guides Gravity Gun Challenge Guide by bumcheekcity 35K
In-Depth Guides Hints and Tips by sdunigan 106K
In-Depth Guides Lost Coast Walkthrough by Grawl 22K
In-Depth Guides Weapon FAQ by El_Greco 29K

Half-Life 2 Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    Achievement Achievement
    Get the airboat. Anchor's Aweigh!
    Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field. Atomizer
    Kill five barnacles with one barrel. Barnacle Bowling
    Find the HEV Suit Charger faceplate in Eli's scrapyard. Blast from the Past
    Use the antlions to kill 50 enemies. Bug Hunt
    Kill all of the snipers in City 17. Counter-Sniper
    Hit the trashcan cop with the can. Defiant
    Hit the trashcan cop with the can. Defiant
    Shut down the supression device by disabling its generators. Fight the Power
    Kill an enemy with a toilet. Flushed
    Gain command of a squad of rebels in the uprising. Follow Freeman
    Survive the rooftop strider battle in the ruins of City 17. Giant Killer
    Kill five enemies with a Manhack. Hack Attack!
    Escort Gregori safely through the church cemetery. Hallowed Ground
    Get the airboat's mounted gun. Heavy Weapons
    Cross the antlion beach in chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand. Keep Off the Sand!
    Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2. Lambda Locator
    Escape the apartment block raid. Malcontent
    Destroy six gunships in Half-Life 2. One Man Army
    Kill 3 enemies using the crane. OSHA Violation
    Survive the generator plaza standoff in chapter Anticitizen One. Plaza Defender
    Get through the toxic tunnel under City 17 in Half-Life 2. Radiation Levels Detected
    Destroy the hunter-chopper in Half-Life 2. Revenge!
    Destroy the Citadel's reactor core. Singularity Collapse
    Put the can in the trash. Submissive
    Put the can in the trash. Submissive
    Pin a soldier to the billboard in chapter Highway 17. Targetted Advertising
    Get the crowbar. Trusty Hardware
    Use dog's ball to make a basket in eli's scrapyard. Two Points
    Discover the hidden singing vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard. Vorticough
    Survive the second turret standoff in Nova Prospekt. Warden Freeman
    Break the mini-teleporter in Kleiner's lab. What cat?
    Defend Little Odessa from the gunship attack. Where Cubbage Fears to Tread
    Get the Gravity Gun in Black Mesa East. Zero-Point Energy
    Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun. Zombie Chopper

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth Guides Achievement Guide by arkena 19K

Half-Life 2 Cheats For Linux

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 33 Steam Achievements.

    Get the airboat. Anchor's Aweigh!
    Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field. Atomizer
    Kill five barnacles with one barrel. Barnacle Bowling
    Find the HEV Suit Charger faceplate in Eli's scrapyard. Blast from the Past
    Use the antlions to kill 50 enemies. Bug Hunt
    Kill all of the snipers in City 17. Counter-Sniper
    Hit the trashcan cop with the can. (Secret) Defiant
    Shut down the supression device by disabling its generators. Fight the Power
    Kill an enemy with a toilet. Flushed
    Gain command of a squad of rebels in the uprising. Follow Freeman
    Survive the rooftop strider battle in the ruins of City 17. Giant Killer
    Kill five enemies with a Manhack. Hack Attack!
    Escort Gregori safely through the church cemetery. (Secret) Hallowed Ground
    Get the airboat's mounted gun. Heavy Weapons
    Cross the antlion beach in chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand. Keep Off the Sand!
    Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2. Lambda Locator
    Escape the apartment block raid. Malcontent
    Destroy six gunships in Half-Life 2. One Man Army
    Kill 3 enemies using the crane. OSHA Violation
    Survive the generator plaza standoff in chapter Anticitizen One. Plaza Defender
    Get through the toxic tunnel under City 17 in Half-Life 2. Radiation Levels Detected
    Destroy the hunter-chopper in Half-Life 2. Revenge!
    Destroy the Citadel's reactor core. (Secret) Singularity Collapse
    Put the can in the trash. (Secret) Submissive
    Pin a soldier to the billboard in chapter Highway 17. Targetted Advertising
    Get the crowbar. Trusty Hardware
    Use DOG's ball to make a basket in Eli's scrapyard. Two Points
    Discover the hidden singing vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard. Vorticough
    Survive the second turret standoff in Nova Prospekt. Warden Freeman
    Break the mini-teleporter in Kleiner's lab. What cat?
    Defend Little Odessa from the gunship attack. (Secret) Where Cubbage Fears to Tread
    Get the Gravity Gun in Black Mesa East. Zero-Point Energy
    Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun. Zombie Chopper

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer