Best fps single player experience ever. Could've been better, but better than the rest.

User Rating: 9.1 | Half-Life 2 PC
A little on the short side. I beat it in about 10 hours. Gamespot sais Half Life 2 doesn't revolutionize anything here, I say gamespot critics don't know much about fps genre games. The way you can use objects in your surroundings to change the balance of a fight is amazing. IE - using your gravity gun to hold a metal desk in front of you so you can run down a hallway with out taking fire, name a game out there that allows you to do such a thing. This game is phenomenal. The only complaints I have with this game is the ending, and the story behind your character. Gordan never speaks, he never complains, he doesn't get excited. He doesn't seem human. Maybe this makes the game better, since you can't complain that Gordan is some rambo macho man, or a dorky scientist with a vendetta to destroy aliens. I still would've liked to have felt some emotion from him. The lack of multiplayer would've been a huge factor in my value/tilt score. But sources have told me a mod called Half Life Death Match is in the works. Which is not created by Valve, but endorsed by Valve. And besides, mods for Half Life 2 will own just as much as the game itself, hopefully. You can bet the farm there will be a Half Life 3.