Sammy Studios hits gold

User Rating: 7.6 | Guilty Gear X (DriKore) DC
I always enjoyed the Guilty Gear series and considering 2D beat em ups were running low on the Dreamcast I had to get this to try it out. I was pleasantly suprised that it improves on originals. The graphics are very attractive although more backrounds would have been nice. Characters fit the series well and look great with some kind of cell shading used.

Slowdown is a good thing in beat em ups and when you hit a particularly fierce blow the screen can move slow which adds to the effect nicely (similar to Samurai Showdown) . Menus and extra modes all add to an already solid fighter. If there is one thing I would have the developers re-evaluate it would be the jumping. Characters can seem to float which doesnt make rounds as fast and furious as they should with a weapon based fighter.

But that aside - this should deffinately be picked up, or any other version of Guilty Gear available for your console.