The game that were there, and did it just right. Simply amazing.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PC
When I first played Vice City, it were amazing. Simply just perfect. I played it on my brothers PlayStation 2 at that time. And playing it game a much better gaming feeling that today's games. The game is pretty old now. But the tons of things to do! Shootouts, Psyco Tank Driving, Boats, Stunts, Earning money by driving bus, all those missions. And a lot more, makes this game the best GTA game, also one of the best games all time, in my opinion. San Andreas had more, but Vice City were much, much better. This game made me buy PlayStation 2 at the time were that were the thing.

And I still play it for the good memories and the fun. You should buy it now, even tho it's old.

If you ain't a gamer, you should play this game.
This game made many people love free roaming in games. And because of it, we now got many, many games with free roam. Keep your PlayStation 2 until you are a grandmother or grandfather, so you can show your grandson or granddaughter what real games were. Even tho they will have graphics that is better than reality at that time.

Perfect game.