While GTA 3 revolutionized the sandbox genre, GTA Vice City perfected it.

User Rating: 9.6 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2
About 1 year after the release of one of 2001's greatest videogames, Rockstar throws us Vice City. Set in Vice City, a Miami-esque paradise full of 80's rock, 80's pop, and 80's coke. It was not only leaps and bounds above GTA 3, but it was also 10 times more controversal.

GamePlay: How can you do better than perfect? You can't. Vice City didn't do much to change the gameplay for it's previous outing. However, instead of trying to do something different, Vice City added more, alot MORE. It through in tons more side missions, more weapons, more memorable characters, more gore, and more of everything really.

Graphics: This is where Vice City really departed from the look and feel of GTA 3. Instead of having it set in the dank, dark 90's backdrop of Liberty City, it was set in the bright, corrupted beaches of Vice City. Everything from the buildings to the people, was much better than GTA 3. Add the spray up from the blood and rain onto the screen, and you got yourself a deal.

Sound: Though GTA 3's music wasn't the best, the voice acting and script were amazing. However, in Vice City, it gets all three points perfect.

Value: There's just tons more to do. Add in a 20+ hour main story plus 30+ hours of side tasks and you got a game that could kill alot of lonely days for sick and twisted nerds.

Tilt: GTA 3 was good, but this is just clearly better.