#Real Score 8.9/10# Why are people saying this is the best game ever it's not.

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Alot of people say that Grand Theft Auto 4 is the best game ever it's not I think that Vice City was the best game in the series back in 2002 on PS2. GTA 4 may look like a great game but I found it disappointing.

Main story is set in America in Liberty City may reconise the name back on GTA 3 also it is sort of set in New York City area but with a different name and its main tourist tractions such as The Sature of Liberty but in GTA 4 they called it The Sature of Happiness. You play as Europen person Niko Bellic who is escaping from his past and who on a ship and moe to America to live with his cousin Roman, it is there vision that togethor they can find fortune in Liberty City. But Niko gets into alot of trouble and helping out everyone in Liberty City either with Money,Drugs or anything that they can get there hands on. The story gets more interesting later on.

Gameplay= Just same in other GTA games but this time they took out the RPG elements that were in San Andreas which I found very annoying where you had to bulid up stamina, fatness or respect, alot of people hated the RPG elements, in GTA 4 the missions are quite easy to do in the first half but they can be harder near the end of the game. You can steal drive any vechile but you can also enter other places such as bars, resturants or internet cafe's, you can get drunk in the game and play Bowling as a mini game. You can use a mobile phone to enter cheats, contact other people in game if your stuck or where you need to go next. A good about it where if your trying to get to a place thats really far and you have to drive all the way there. There is a very quick way by whislting at the taxi, get the taxi and you can get there stright away if you skip the travelling while your the taxi. Also using a GPS telling where and find the quickest route to your location which is clever.

Graphics and Sound= I've just notice that the graphics are very different from the 360 version, the PS3 version has better graphics and quality to a PS3 and a great view of the city if your on a high buliding. While your watching cutscenes feels like your watching a Mafia/Gangsta film. The series still has some of the best sounding but the radio stations are bit bad and probably may not want to listen to the entire soundtrack GTA 4. If your a fan of the series which GTA game was your favourite based on sounding and graphics?

Overall= There is multiplayer where you can play online with other gamers by killing each other but you can't completely create your own full charcter. Your mostly killing each other whee every you go. Main Story can take up to 30 hours or more pending how much you play it or wasting time wondering around the city all at once. In my appion Vice City was my favourite in the series it was just a very amazing game alot of people say that it was the best game and there right ears to come fans are still going to play Vice City over and over becuase it was a great game. But alot people say that 4 is the best and maybe Game of the Year for 2008 but who knows I don't think that Gamespot or IGN or all websites/ game magazines shouldn't gave GTA 4 a 10/10.