This game is awesome! You wouldn't believe it was made in 2001!

User Rating: 9 | Gran Turismo 3 A-spec (Platinum) PS2
This game defines racing! It is a very addictive game that deserves to be played! The controls are Great, the graphics are very realistic for when it was made, but it is a little to hard though.To get through races, you have to get a drivers liscens to enter cups and races which is difficult. Then it's actualy kind of hard to do the race itself. It is kind of easy to wreck, and it is hard to catch back up. But that makes a challenge, and I like challenging games. Gran Turismo 3 has the best selection of cars then any other racing game I've played so far. And theres a bunch of tournaments and cups to choose from. So the liscence earning, and racing to me makes it realistic, so if any body is a hard core racing fan, then they'll dig this game. I highly think this game should be in any body's Playstation 2 collection. If you see this game, then you should buy it!

Overall rating: 9.0