The greatest action/adventure game of 2005 and one of the best games on the Playstation 2.

User Rating: 9.3 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
The PS2 hasn't had enough hack-n-slash slash games. In fact, the Devil May Cry series is probably the only good (excluding DMC2) game of this type. This was my sentiment before God of War came out. Now I have to say God of War is the best action/adventure game on the PS2 and one of the best games of 2005. The gameplay is loads of fun. Simple quick and strong attacks can be strung together to create hundreds of different combos. The four spells you can cast are all very cool and balanced. The game's dark, gritty premise is done perfectly and by the end you really feel badly for the antihero Kratos. The games graphics are some of the best I have ever seen on the PS2. The attacks all look painfully brutal and the over the top violence really looks awesome. The sounds in this game are all stupendous. The sound effects, music, and voice acting all could not be better. The game never looses its appeal because of the huge variety of things you do. There are puzzles, big fights, and unbelievably awesome boss fights. This game will never get boring and is the greatest game to ever hit the PS2.