it may not have come out on top but it certainly has potential

User Rating: 8.8 | Gladius XBOX
Gladius has a way of keeping you satisfied with just enopugh but not too much so it doesn't become too easy yet inot tleaving you with nothing so it becomes too hard either. This game took a unique approach on the turn based side of rpgs like instead of just standing with your party against a bunch of enemies and fighting you actually had to move your guys in order to get to the enemy and fight. The different arsenal of varied weapons and armour that you get to use really are different from each other and they have their own strenbths and weakness and the same goes for the characters.

Their are a few things in this game that really can get very annoying like for instance when you move your guy and he gets in danger your other guy thats coming to help you out can take forever to get to you and your cuurent guy can be pummeled and you have no way of getting out. The music is game is loud and epic and really makes you feel like your actually there, the graphics were quite good considering this is for xbox. The game play is very fluid and there seemed to not be any glitches or bugs that being said the battles lasted for many hours since some enemies were unusually hard to defeat. All in all this game surpassed my idea of it when i first heard of it and after playing it has been an experience that iIll never forget.