One of the best and most underappreciated rhythm games out there.

User Rating: 8.6 | Gitaroo-Man Live! PSP
I went into Gitaroo Man Lives! having mixed feelings. Most rhythm games with the exception of Guitar Hero have been a little disappointing. I find DDR way too hard for beginners and Parappa the Rapper is really starting to show it’s age. Gitaroo Man is not only a refreshing and unique experience but it’s incredibly fun all the way through. Gitaroo Man came out for Guitar Hero and it almost feels like a precursor to it but with it’s own original spin. You have to hit the notes at the right times and winning and getting good at the game is all about hearing the rhythm of the songs. However Gitaroo Man stands out in it’s gameplay because you have to move the analog stick in different directions to “follow” the beat of the game. It’s a little hard to explain but it’s very fun and made great for the PSP’s analog stick. It can get a little frustrating at times, the later levels have the notes coming at you at a much faster and furious pace but if you’re able to hear the rhythm of the songs it makes things a whole lot easier. Even though Gitaroo Man can be very challenging you do actually get better going through the motions again and again unlike other games where some challenges will be ridiculously hard no matter how many fruitless attempts you make at it. *COUGH SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG *COUGH* In this way the game is challenging but still fair. Some of the notes will even change to be easier if you have to try over and over. Of course what rhythm game would be complete without good music? Gitaroo Man delivers a great original soundtrack that I believe is mostly performed by a Japanese band. Still, the sheer variety of music genres for each level is very novel. One level will have your gitaroo (the guitar like weapon you use) sound like an fast electric guitar while another will have it giving off a smooth latino sound to go along with the level’s theme. Gitaroo Man definitely has a fine cast of characters with a simplistic yet charming art style to them. The lead character U-1,literally uses the sound and energy from his gitaroo to defeat enemies, and this is what unfolds in the background of each level. It’s very fun and entertaining, especially for fans of anime. U-1’s voice can get a little annoying at times but you’ll hardly be paying much attention to it with the awesome soundtrack. All in all Gitaroo Man Lives! is a short, but great innovative title that stands out in a vast library of mediocre PSP titles.