Classic NES game that rises to the challange! Question is can you handle it?

User Rating: 9.2 | Makai-Mura NES
Our beautiful Princess is kidnapped. Her lover, the Knight, armed with five different weapons, must pass through seven guarded gates to successfully rescue the princess.
The Knight needs your skill to rescue the Princess to cunningly maneuver escapes from Hades, land of the enemies.

Man, this has got to be one of the toughest NES games ever! I mean seriously brutal! You are only allowed 2 hits before you die, plus you only start off with 2 men from the get go. Enemies are coming at you relentlessly and your only options are jump, left, right and down! Although you have a myriad of weapons that you can use including a torch, axe, shield (cross), javelin, and a dagger, you must be alert and time your jumps and moves constently otherwise it's well.... a trip to the graveyard so to speak. I had a lot of fun with this game, the music was upbeat, especially in the first stage (I've included some gameplay from the first stage in the Memory Lane video for those that want to see) and pretty much consistent throughout the game. I loved the challenge that this game presented and even after beating it I can still say that I play it every now and then just to brush up on my skills as a gamer! Honestly today's games don't even come close to the difficulty level that Ghosts 'n Goblins has to offer. Overall this was a fun, challenging, colourful, and spirited game. Ghosts 'n Goblins was a pretty good conversion from the arcade game to the NES and would surely provide endless hours of entertainment for those that are looking for a challenge, and believe me it is a challenge.