A great recreation of the arcade shooter experience. It's short and simple but it's best replayed with the unlockables.

User Rating: 6.5 | Ghost Squad WII
I'm actually not sure I should be mini-reviewing it or not. You see, the light-shooter game, Ghost Squad is actually one of those games you beat but not yet complete - kind of like a fighting game. I like to beat a game to pretty much near completion before giving a review, and I feel that even with about 5 plays it isn't sufficient. Ghost Squad unlocks difficulties, multiple paths and game modes as you complete it. Unlockable weapons also change how the game plays too. Beating the game is pretty easy to start with and is also incredibly short - difficulty sets in though as you take higher level alternative paths and racking up points to be placed on the online leaderboard. Options like turning off the aiming reticule and aim calibration makes Ghost Squad a good recreation of the arcade experience (minus the huge gun you hold). The game itself has nice variety in terms of bosses, multiple paths, bomb-defusal and hostage situations but none of which would blow your mind - the co-op mode is always a nice addition though. The story hardly needs a mention since it's so forgettable and cliché. What you really should be concentrating on is if you want an arcade experience at home for cheap. Providing you're enjoying beating the game several times with these incentives, the game is good value. If not, this would be a rental at best.