I don't have ghost squad but my cousin does and I play it all the time also at garden city. It is a really good game.

User Rating: 10 | Ghost Squad WII
This game is a really good game and I don't see why people think it's either a crap game or it's way to short. They are just saying that because they cant pass it because it's a hard game witch it is at times, like the single shot moments and how in the boss on mission 2 you have to hit the head and if you hit anywere else you have FAILD. On this game you can unlock knew guns, and suits for youre player. There are 3 missions to choose from but if you think you have passed this game beacause you have passed all three missions think again how many suits and guns have you unlocked and there are levels to the three missions and every knew level you unlock there is a knew activities like a knew negative mode or anything like that. You can also choose what colour you aiming point is or if you even have an aiming point.