A boring, repetitive, and ugly God of War rip-off.

User Rating: 2.5 | Ghost Rider PS2
If you've read any reviews from major gaming sites, they probably said this game is a God of War clone, well they're right. Like most movie games, it was rushed out at the cost of quality. The graphics are grainy and blurry. It's upgrade system is almost identical to God of War. The combat is no better. You just run around beating the snot out of demons and killer clowns over and over and over again. Though the enemies look different, they're exactly the same. So your mission is to beat up some demons, move to the next level, beat up some more demons (maybe a boss fight), and that's it. Though the motorcycle sequences are decent, that doesn't make up for the repetitive levels and mindless boss fights. For every boss fight, all you gotta do is run up to the boss and mash the attack buttons as fast as you can. The only sound in this game are the lousy sound effects. If there IS background music, it's too quiet for me to hear. The game is way too short. You can beat the game in one day, I'm dead serious. And if it was too hard, you can always just turn on the cheats. In conclusion, the game is a joke, Boring gameplay, lousy sound effects, and a complete knock-off of God of War, it was a complete waste of money. I can't believe I bought this!