Not as bad as people make it out to be.

User Rating: 6.5 | Gex 64: Enter the Gecko N64
Okay, first things first; how I got this game. I remembered playing Gex and Gex 3 when I was eight, and I was down at a flea market, and saw this old little 'gem' for five dollars. I brought it home, lost in nostalgia. While certainly not as good as it felt playing it all those years ago, it was a surprising entertaining, flawed title.

Gameplay: Following in the footsteps of Mario, it's a platformer. You can jump, tail whip, karate kick, tongue, etc etc. There are some fun enviroments, in fact, the levels alone, which are themed on movies, are some of the redeeming factors that keep this game from being a full failure. Some levels are genuinely fun, I loved the Scream TV and Kung Pao Level. Bear in mind the worst problem the game has though, is the camera! Whoever thought of building a permanently rotating camera in a platformer should be fired, sheer lunacy just trying to see the enemies or time jumps. The camera alone was worth taking two points off. Also, keep in mind that Gex is like Duke Nukem for the more sensitive ears, thus one-liners galore. Some are chuckle-worthy, most are just terrible. This would be okay, if they didn't repeat the same line every thirty seconds! Couldn't they set up a better randomizer? 'It's tail time!' loses its swagger after being set on loop for an hour or so. Also, one of the best things about this game is the boss battles. Rez is awesome. 7/10

Graphics: Everybody hounds this game for graphics, honestly, I disagree. Levels follow their themes, almost everything that isn't a wall has some animation to being tail whacked. Enemies are goofy as they should be for a parody game. I honestly thought the game had a good sense of quirkiness in graphics, not too shabby. One issue worth noting is that if fog bothers you, this isn't your game. Personally I don't mind it, must be all the Silent Hill. 7.5/10

Sound: Erm.. Well the bg songs can be okay, nothing Mario Bros worthy, but hey. It works. Sound effects are very silly, and goofy. Reviewers need to stop whining about cartoony sound effects. This is a cartoony game, get in the Looney Toons mind set. I mentioned Gex lines earlier, so you know the issue. 7/10

Replayability: There are tons of remotes to collect, at least a hundred or so, so the game can last a while, or as long as you feel like playing it. I'd say a few days or so. I would say rent it first, but that is kind of impossible nowadays and you could buy it for a few bucks. 6.5/10

Overall Review: Not as bad as people say. I would suggest looking into it if you are bored and want an okay platformer, just don't expect to be blown away like with Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, or even Rocket: Robot on Wheels. I would suggest picking up the third one instead if you just HAVE to have a Gex title. 6.5/10