say,how did it get an award of something on 2006 ?Just wierd,a spoiled next-gen

User Rating: 6 | Genji: Days of the Blade PS3
Genji: Days of the Blade was a game I was very interested in since it's rather embarrassing debut at E3 2006. (Giant enemy crab, remember?) Ya know, I thought it looked cool, Japanese culture interests me, and it was a launch title for the PS3. Now, aside from Resistance Fall of Man, this game stood out in the launch for me. Why? Because I hadnt played it yet.

I bought this game, looking forward to some bad ass button mashing. After all, a button masher sometimes is the most brainless fun you can have in a video game. Pop the disc in, and an hour into the game, I'm bored to tears. The graphics arent that impressive (the Gamespot review makes it sound like it's a real graphical leap from last gen... it's not), and the camera absolutely sucks, you have no control over it. There was one point in the game I was "stuck" at, when really the one problem was that I need to come toward the camera to open a door. That was a huge problem for this game. Maybe if you could use your right thumbstick to move the camera around to see things, it wouldnt be so bad.

As far as combat goes, it's... meh. It's ok. Nothing particularly great about it, but it's not terrible.

Until this game hits 20 dollars, (it's still at $50 sixteen months after launch) - stay away. Stay far away. It will only make you regret spending money on this game. Even when it hits 20 bucks, rent it first. It's not that good and realy spoiled next gen