One of the greatest and innovative Xbox 360 games of all time.

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
My first experience with Gears of War was with the second one. My brother and I were at a video game cafe, when we decided to play Gears of War 2 campaign coop. I immediately fell in love with the game, and when I got an Xbox, I knew I needed the first one.

The first thing you realize in this game from the start is the gameplay. It's obviously a third person shooter but it also has a cover system. The cover system is fast and agile, and doesn't take long to get the hang of it.When targeting behind cover though, the camera takes an over the shoulder view. There are many different (imaginary) weapons that are some of the coolest weapons I've ever seen in a video game, especially the lancer assault rifle and hammer of dawn.

The graphics in the game are very dark. There's almost no color in the game what so ever, but it definently pairs well with the gory content. Things like explosions and gunfire spread across the entire screen, and things like chainsawing the heck out of locust makes blood splatter across the screen. Action is never ending. It isn't just a generic shooter where your only objective is to get from point A to point B while killing baddies. It has some of the most creative level designs, like parading through the city at night without getting into the dark or else you'll die instantly if you don't find ways to create light. Story is pretty weird, since there isn't too much explanation on the characters' backstories, but there is some characterization of the characters. I haven't played the online multiplayer very much, but I obviously got my butt kicked. I have heard that it's a pretty good addition.

Gears of War is one of the most original games exclusively to the Xbox 360. It's innovative, interesting, and very gritty and dark. I recommended to get this immediately after you get an Xbox 360. It's been out for a while, and you can get the Gears of War complete collection for only $20 anywhere.