An addicting multi-player that will suck your life!

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is an amazing game. The story/single player is ok, but there's CO-OP which makes the campaign fun, kind of. But enough of the campaign, lets talk about the multi-player. The multi player in Gears of War is what really stands out from any other 3rd person/ 1st person shooter games. For example, a shotgun can blow your enemy into pieces, you don't see that in any Halo games do you? I'm not going to go full detail about the multi-player because you will figure it out for yourself if your ever going to buy this game. Even though, Gears of War's multi-player is sick, it does get annoying when you see people glitch their way to victory or when people start quiting out of the match. But, what really annoys me is that all of the multi-player achievements are glitched. For example, somewhat Gamerscore for 100 headshots, you might need 150 or more to get the achievement.

Overall, Gears of War is fun, except when it comes to the multi-player lag.