the best shooter on x box 360 is surely this game!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
i never knew this game to be as good it is when i just played this game in my friends house it was so cool and awesome it almost blasted me so here is my rating description;
graphics;9.1 graphics are actually good and really enjoyable indeed so cut it
sound;9.6 sound effects are really great and also very realistic
controls;7.0 sometimes very tight controls th ats not good at all for me
difficulty;10.0 its a very very tough game and i mean it so beware
play value;9.7 come on man its a shooter and it is really interesting game and it is not to be missed
overall;9.5 once you play it you don't want to come out of it and be free
conclusion;i would like to conclude th ats this is a really awesome game and not to be missed by anyone who wants modern shooters at all costs so what are you waiting for go bye this game!!!!