Gears Of War is just another sci-fi shooter & doesn't bring anything new to the table.

User Rating: 5 | Gears of War X360
I'm rented this game two & an half years ago and started out good game. I still don't know why everybody's acting like it's best game of all time. To me, it's nothing more than an sci-fi third person shooter. I'll say that Freedom Fighters is better than this game. I'll give you my pros and cons of "Gears Of War".

Pros: Cover system is huge for this game. If you go run and gun, you'll have ZERO shot of beating it. Sound is crazy hot

Gears Of War is a squad based game and going Rambo will be game over.

Weapons are out of this world! Hammer of Dawn and torque bow are one of my favorites. Storyline in this game is simple; It's Gears/COG vs Locust Horde, Marcus Fenix goes from hero to prison and Gears Of War fans know what happens.

Cons: Graphics isn't the greatest thing in the world. In fact, it's the worst graphics I've ever seen in an video game for it was too dark and muddy.

Main Character models look like they've been on steroids for ten years!

The controls are stiff and squad commands are way too easy.

You ride one vehicle throughout the game!

The single player is too short. I beat it in two days.

Story focused far too much on Marcus Fenix.

I'm not going to waste my money on a mediocre game, gears of war fans can pound me into the ground all they want, it's the T-R-U-T-H!. They don't want to admit that it's an mediocre game & mainstream gamers just can't see it for what it is. I've tried to get into this game, but it ain't working and I'm way happy I didn't buy it. I'll choose Halo 3, G.R.A.W 1 and 2 or Rainbow Six Vegas over G.O.W. any day of the week. If I do rent Gears Of War 2 & it's just as bad, I'll rip it to shreds as well.