Gears of War is truly a great game; it's got action, gore, a pretty good story, huge bulky guys, AND THE COLE TRAIN BABY

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War

First off let me start by saying that this game is just plain fun. The cover system works nicely, and while it's kind of hard to get around areas, it always works to hide behind a wall or a crate when being shot at. This is probably the best third person shooter out there right now (haven't played Gears 2 yet) but i'm already excited to get Gears 2 and see how they've improved the series. Gears of War 3 is going to perfect it and this is going to be a great series. But anyway, GOW is about a former inmate, Marcus Fenix, who re joins the team and has to go deep underground to fight the Locusts. Besides the 8 or so hour campaign, the online is just plain fun. It really carries the game. This game has humor, blood, and a whole lot of action. The bottom line is, any Xbox owner needs this game, or atleast needs to play it. GOW really set the bar and showed an example for all the newer third person shooters. Good game right here