Better than the second, one of the best on Xbox 360.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
This game, Gears of War was the very first game I got on my xbox 360, three years ago. Since then, I've fell in love with the series, and I'm very excited for the third one. I currently own both of the titles, as well as other games made by Epic (Unreal Tournament III), this is my favorite. In my opinion, this one is a lot more fun than the second one, because it was so original. It had never been done before. How many games have you played that allows you to chainsaw someone in half multiple times, before this game? None that I'm aware of. This brought so much originality, and became one of the best selling game series on the Xbox 360, not to mention that it's an exclusive. Yes, the games has a few flaws though. Such as multiple glitches to get out of the maps, or teleport, or even the infamous "skydiving" and "kung fu backflip" glitches that almost everyone knows about that owns the game. These glitches, I admit, do get annoying, but not enough to break the game. All in all, this game is really great, and is a must own if you have a Xbox 360, as well as the second one. 9.5/10