Gears of War. One of the Best Games On The Xbox 360

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
Gears of War is A great start to the xbox 360 coming out in November of 2006 it holds up strong with the 16th most played game of the month and today is 4/21/10 more than three years later.

Single play or Co-Op
Now i love this story humans just living like we are today but then these ugly bug faced things come and try to kill us all. the story works great for this game and the Co-Op was a smooth ride with many missons that require teamwork.
So Single Player or Co-Op gets a 9.5

we all know graphics dont mean much but as one of the Xbox's great starting games it realy ment alot with nice clear graphics witch showed the PS3 people that the 360 can have good graphics too
Graphics get a 9.0

Now this was the multiplayyer that got me hooked to the 360 with awsome ways to kill people and a great leaderboard system Although there is alot of crap in there like 1 shot down with sniper and getting you head poped by a shotgun from 10 feet away. the host means alot witch means no bullet lagg or movement lagg. But even with problems the multiplayer was great i still go back to play it (im on gears of war 2 90% of the time) so the Gears one multiplayer gets a strong 8.5

All in All
Single player or Co-Op 9.5
Graphics 9.0
Multiplayer 8.5
All in All a Strong 9.0
Get this game this game may be old but people still play it it is vary fun with or without Xbox live so please get this game it like 20$ now a great deal!!!
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