Gears of War, the console pusher! The game that made up my mind which new console to buy first!

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
Back in 2005 when the new consoles were being talked about and the tech demo's were being shown I was still trying to make up my mind as to which one to buy out of the gate.

On the PS3 side they were showing these "CGI" type of games and trying to pawn them off as being "Real" and "actual footage" turned out to be a scam.
Then on the 360 side, they were actually playing this game called "Gears Of War" When I saw this on G4tv it was like a wake up call. I knew I had to have it.
I had never before seen such a beautiful game, the pop and lock combat was also something I'd never seen before. Plus I was a huge fan of the third person shooter genre as a whole.

Well the big day came and I got an XBox 360 and Gears of War, and I was no disappointed. The graphics were amazing, the best I'd ever seen, the voice acting was the best I'd heard. The story was something right out of a Science Fiction novel (which it turned out to be)
You really get immersed into this world and feel like your accomplishing something when playing and beating this game.
Marcus, Dom, Baird and Cole are some of the most likable characters I have ever had the pleasure to play as.

The campaign is a little short, but I think I would prefer it that way then have them be repetitive and go back over the same places over and over again. It was short, sweet and action packed.

You can probably beat the game on Normal mode in about 7 hours, but to beat it on Insane it can take 12 hours or longer.

One of the best features about this game is online campaign and split screen co-op campaign.

You can play through the campaign with a friend on split screen or with a friend online.

The online muliplayer is amazing as well, usually when games go online they dumb down the graphics and the maps themselves aren't rendered for the best quality. That all changes with Gears Of War.

The characters look amazing and just like the story mode. You can play as either the COG Gears members or the Locusts.

The weapons and special weapons are amazing and plentiful.
The learning curve can take a bit to get used to, but once you have the basics down you are good to go.

So this is definitely a game to get if you are new to the Xbox 360 or if you are just looking to get into a deep game with a full online mode.


I will say that this game is gory and graphic and most definitely not for the youngsters. Though there is an option to turn off language and gore, it's still not for people under 14 I'd say.