Gears Of War is a game not to be confused with a childish game,NO it's hands down one of the best games of all time!

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
Gears Of War brings a new kind of gaming to the gaming world by the Locus and the Gears. First let's start out with the graphic's plain and simple great, but one flaw to them is when you play the Multiplayer mode. Say your playing Annex Mode sometimes you characters body never molds all the way. Gears Of War has an advanced cover system to it that makes you love the game even more but it can get onto your nerves at times but not to often.

Gears Of War has a great selection of weapon's with chainsaw attachment to slice your enemy's into half or just pull out your shotgun and shoot them and blow them into pieces. One thing that freaking suck's is when your gun get's jammed on you. If you really like a challenge in video games then this is the game for you! One thing that is also great about this game is the story of the game with characters such as "Marcus,Coletrain,Carmine,Dom,Hoffman,Dizzy, and more" but if you decide to get this game you will not be sorry at all because the story is the best part of the whole game. The Co-op campaign is simply sweet if your a fan of Third Person Shooters then this will be the best one you will ever get in your life in the next 10 years to come!