Enter a broken world, packed with the deadly Locust Horde, and kill them all. Gears is a must have Xbox 360 game!

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War X360
With a war constantly happening and the Locust Horde showing no signs of slowing down, humanity's last hope is Delta Squad, led by a former prison inhabitant, Marcus Fenix. After being collected by his friend, Dom Santiago, they push to fight back against the Locusts.

The single player campaign is decently long and completely and utterly action packed! You'll constantly be fighting waves of Locusts of all different kinds of unique weaponry. The story in the game is easily one of the best, if not the best, Sci-Fi stories in any video game to date. The creatures will always have you on your heels. When it comes down to it, the gritty single player is excellent, and even better when you do it cooperatively, though, it's essentially the same storyline.

On the other side of the spectrum is the multiplayer. Gears' Multiplayer is amazing. Taking you through 4 different types of gameplay modes, Warzone, Assassination, Execution, and Annex, in brilliantly designed maps, fit for the game in a perfect way, you will have hours upon hours of fun. It's my favorite competitive multiplayer game being balanced on all sides and really rewards those players who invest their time and really get good at it. Mastering the weapons in the game is crucial to being able to win. They are all special and have their own way of being used to attack your enemies. A machine gun with a chainsaw is the coolest thing ever.

Topped off with it's impressive and revolutionary Unreal graphics, you can't go wrong with the Gears of war package. Get out there and Experience it for Yourself!

Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics, Game, and Character Designs: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Voice Acting: 10/10
Replay Value: 10/10