Has changed the way we look at 3rd-Person Shooters

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War X360
I have to say, I don't even own a 360 console, and when a friend of mine was dangling the game box in my face I was like, "Ok? I care why?"

And so, with my skeptical attitude, I watched him play the first level of campaign mode.

I was intrigued and joined in on co-op.

All I have to say is, the first time you chop up a locust with that chainsaw bayonet, it's like you just stepped into a whole new world of military-style gaming. (it's pretty satisfying too)

The only thing that Gears 360 didn't have was the added campaign chapters that were later added to the PC version. Which is understandable because they had time to work on the later release while players were destroying each other on the console.

The only thing that I hate is that EPIC didn't choose to use dedicated servers and instead everyone has to deal with unavoidable bullet-lag in the online versus modes.
Also, the connection meter that appears before you enter a match is not accurate. It can say that you have a good connection, but the ping can range anywhere from 0-160.

I can't wait to see what's in store for us in Gears of War 2.

(for a further review, read my PC version review of Gears)