Cheats & Guides

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Cheats For Game Boy

  1. Erase game file

    Down, Up, B, Down, Down, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, B + Down Erase Save File

    Contributed by: froggy25 

  2. Password Menu

    On the title screen, press Up, Down, B, Down, Down, B + Up, B to activate the password menu, upon opening it you can enter any of the following to receive the card.

    タカハシカズキ Fairy's Gift
    ヤマダノブヒロ Flying Penguin
    ハシモトカナコ Kanan the Swordmistress
    シモムラサトシ Megasonic Eye
    トリシマカズヒコ Seiyaryu
    キタウエカズミ Stuffed Animal
    チダタクリ Takriminos
    タカハシトシマサ Three-Legged Zombies
    ヘイシヨシヒサ Yaranzo

    Contributed by: MHFsilver